Getting Started with Internet Explorer

With an Internet connection and Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can find and view information about anything on the Web.

If Internet Explorer was set up on your computer by a local area network (LAN) administrator, or you used an Internet service provider's (ISP) installation program, then you're probably ready to connect to the Internet. Otherwise, the Internet Connection Wizard will guide you through establishing a connection to the Internet. You will need the following information from your Internet service provider or local area network administrator:

Once you're set up, take a look at some of the things you can do on the Web. From basic browsing and searching, to viewing channels and subscriptions, Internet Explorer is not only the best browser, it's the easiest. For more ideas about what you can do, explore the Help Contents.

Basic setup

Set up an Internet connection

Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer for a corporate intranet

View Web pages written in a different language

Exploring the Web

View a Web page

Searching the Web

Getting to the best content

Subscribe to a Web site

What is the Explorer bar?

What is a channel?